Sunday, June 29, 2014

Apple Pie

The clean taste of fresh apples with the smokey hint of cinnamon, set off by the dumpling-like texture of a flaky crust.

I know foods like this aren't good for us to eat.  They have saturated fats, sugar which is basically poison, and more carbohydrates that I can work off in a day, but I love them.  Something about the rich, savory delicacy is a surge of comfort for any hurt.  The cinnamon sends a burning surge of fuel, the apple freshens and relaxes, the crust fills and cushions.  Add a hot mug of creamy coffee and what could possibly be better.

I was ready to adjust the recipe from the beginning, but went with it as written.  I would never have thought that a mear 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon would have been enough for an entire pie, but it was just right.  I did add some cinnamon to the sugar that I sprinkled over the egg-washed top crust.  It made a perfect, spicy crunch to the top, like the surface of a creme brule`.

If I had more people to feed I would make something like this every other day.

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